December 13, 2024 | 4 minute read

Do you have excess skin and fat on the belly from significant weight loss or pregnancy? Getting rid of the loose skin can be difficult without surgery. If you want to achieve your dream contours and a flatter abdomen, tummy tuck surgery might be for you. This blog will discuss the differences between a regular and extended tummy tuck, helping you decide which is a better fit for you and your goals.
What Is a Regular Tummy Tuck?
Abdominoplasty, otherwise known as a tummy tuck, is a cosmetic procedure that enhances the shape and appearance of your belly. During the procedure, your surgeon makes an incision above the pubic area to remove excess fat and skin and tighten the abdominal muscles. A standard tummy tuck may be the best procedure if you have a weak abdominal wall and excess skin.
If your weight loss is due to pregnancy, getting a tummy tuck may help you remove stretch marks in the abdominal area when the excess skin is removed. Dr. Andrew Nouri may recommend this approach if you’ve had a C-section or have significant changes in your weight. Do note that a tummy tuck may not be the best procedure if you are considering pregnancy in the future or if your body mass index (BMI) is more than 30.
A standard tummy tuck only corrects the front of the abdomen. You’ll need another procedure to remove excess skin and fat on the lower back and flanks. This is where circumferential abdominoplasty or an extended tummy tuck comes in.
What Is an Extended Tummy Tuck?
An extended tummy tuck offers more dramatic results because it can shape your waistline, further improving the shape of your body. It’s the ideal procedure for those with excess fat and skin around the lower torso. The extended tummy tucks give you a more contoured waistline, suitable for patients who want significant results.
You may be a good candidate if you are:
- A non-smoker
- In good physical health
- Have experienced major weight loss
- Not pregnant or planning to have another child in the future
- Able to maintain a stable weight
Extended vs. Standard Abdominoplasty
Which tummy tuck is right for you? To help you decide, we’ve highlighted the key differences between the two procedures:
Key Differences
Both procedures can help enhance the abdomen’s appearance. However, the extended tummy tuck may be recommended for those with significant excess fat or skin in the entire lower torso and patients looking to achieve an hourglass figure.
Other key differences:
- Procedure: The standard tummy tuck only addresses excess fat and skin on the front of the abdomen. In the extended tummy tuck procedure, the surgeon also removes loose skin from the sides and lower back, giving you a more curvy figure.
- Incision length: You need a longer incision for an extended tummy tuck. For the standard procedure, the incision is only in front of the belly.
- Recovery time: Because the extended tummy tuck is a more comprehensive procedure, more recovery time is needed. In a standard tummy tuck, short-term recovery is 1 to 6 weeks, and 2 to 12 weeks for the extended tummy tuck. Dr. Nouri will discuss postoperative care for a safe and smooth recovery after a standard or extended tummy tuck.
Which Procedure Is Right for Me?
Which procedure is right for you depends on the candidacy requirements, aesthetic goals, budget, and recovery period. Not everyone will qualify for standard or extended tummy tucks, but Dr. Nouri will review your medical history, perform a physical exam, and discuss your expectations during your consultation.
He also discusses how the procedure works, how much recovery time is needed, and the cost. To ensure a safe and favorable outcome, all patients must strictly adhere to preoperative care, which includes not smoking, maintaining a stable weight, and avoiding certain medications.
Learn More About Your Tummy Tuck Options in Paramus, NJ
Dr. Nouri is a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon who aims to provide each patient with the highest-quality care. Call Nouri Plastic Surgery today at (973) 200-2050 or complete our contact form to schedule a tummy tuck consultation.